Now that I have my Ender 3 Pro setup and dialed in, I wanted to start with some upgrades. First, I wanted to print something to organize the ribbon cable to the screen and something to hold the tools that ship with the Printer. I spent some time looking around for some existing designs and quickly decided on one, the Front Drawer by N6SXB. If you notice from the picture, I printed the drawer on my Adventurer 3 because my Ender was already printing lightsaber parts for my son.

To install the drawer, you need to remove both the screen mount and the belt tensioner for the Y axis.
Next, I installed some clips that I printed, also on the Adventurer 3, to hold the ribbon cable nicely tucked behind the drawer. Then slide the drawer into the rails. All the tools that come with the printer fit nicely inside the drawer.
More to come as I have ordered yellow springs, aluminum bed level knobs, a glass bed and an SKR Mini E3 V2.0 (Yes, the new one!).